The cost of any relationship can be substantial. There are date nights, trips away, the costs of attending the weddings of each other’s friends, and so on. But they’re nothing like the costs of a long distance relationship. When you’re separated by hundreds of miles, and maybe a body of water, the costs, once everything is accounted for, can go through the roof. Below, we take a look at some of these costs and offer suggestions on how to make it through without doing too much damage to your personal finance.
Back and Forth
Most people, when they want to see their other half, simply hail an Uber and take the short, inexpensive trip across town. Not you. When you want to see your love, you have to find and book a flight, travel to the airport, and maybe stay at a hotel once you land on the other side. It doesn’t take a genius to see how this can quickly end up costing a lot of money! To limit how much money you spend on your travel, book in advance, and avoid flying during busy periods. You can also share the responsibilities (you travel one time, they visit the next).
Always an Adventure
Another factor is that when you’re with each other, it’s an adventure. And that means spending a lot of money making sure that everything is perfect. Of course, this is fun, but you’re essentially living like you’re on holiday every time you see them, and holidays are expensive! Instead, try to enjoy more standard, less expensive couple activities when you’re with one another. You can have your whole life to see the world and have fun. When you’re already spending so much to see each other, stick to the simple pleasures instead.
An Endpoint in Sight
It’s easier to be in a long distance relationship when you have an endpoint in sight. And we don’t just mean that it’s easier on the heart: your wallet will feel it too. There’ll be no more expensive flights to book well in advance, no sophisticated presents to buy to make up for not being there in person. If you’re ready to take the plunge, take a look at moving them across the country. Or, if they’re based overseas, use FISA immigration services and get them in the country for good. Now that you’ll no longer need to save money on flights, you’ll be able to put your money to better uses.
Supporting Two People
Of course, it’s worth remembering that they might be partially dependent on your money when they first arrive to live with you. They might have to look for work or wait for a visa to arrive before they can even begin their search. You might need to make some personal finance sacrifices in the early days, but the landscape will change once they’re able to work.
It’s not easy being in a long distance relationship, least of all on your bank balance, but it’s a small price to pay for a lifetime of love!