Retirement is something that most of us think about at some point in our early lives. We imagine what it would be like to sit at home and relax without the stress of work, without studies to worry about, and enjoying the rest of our life.
However, retirement isn’t without its challenges and it’s a relaxing period of your life only if you plan ahead. Don’t expect to spend money nonchalantly and still have a large enough pension or retirement fund, and try not to save money too early in your life—planning for your retirement when you’re 20 years old is a little over the top.
Your lifespan
We don’t know how long we’ll live. It’s a mystery that, for many people, is frightening. However, the healthier and more fit you are, the higher the chance you’ll have of living until you’re at least 90 years old. If you consider retiring at the age of 60, then you might have another 30 years of life to live—and that’s a huge chunk. That essentially means that your retirement fund has to sustain you for at least 30 years, and a lot can happen in that time. Inflation could mean that your savings are no longer worth as much, accidents could occur that require immediate money to fix and you might even live longer than 90.
Because of this, it’s important to consider hiring an independent financial advisor to help you deal with the challenge of retirement. Advisors can help you plan ahead for your retirement and even offer you suggestions to get around some of the most common issues such as inflation. They might help you invest your money so that you beat inflation and stretch your savings, and they’ll tell you all about how to manage your wealth.
Your debt
Most senior citizens are unable to clear their debt before their retirement starts, with many still having mortgage payments even when they’re 60 or older. This figure is set to rise in future generations due to problems such as student debt, and this could put a huge dent in your retirement fund if you aren’t able to manage it early on.
For this reason, it’s best to focus on paying off your debts as soon as possible so you can live a stress-free retirement. Although it sounds ridiculous to still be paying off things such as student debt 40 years after you finish school, it’s becoming a more common scenario all over the world.
Your obligations
When you’re in retirement, one of the things you’ll think about on a regular basis is your legacy. What do you plan to leave behind for your children and how will they have access to it? If you’re lucky enough to have run a business when you were younger, the most likely scenario is to pass it down to your children and have them manage it for you. However, if you don’t have many assets or a business to pass down, then how do you plan to help your family when you’re gone?
Your obligations to your family will be another difficult challenge. If you’re still thinking of retirement, then try to leave something behind even if it’s your home or the rest of your savings.