Everyone loves to spend money which makes it difficult to actually save money. We can utilise many tactics such as frugal living, opening a savings account and avoiding unnecessary expenses, but what’s the reason you save money? Perhaps you want to save up for your child’s future, maybe you want to save for a new laptop to replace your old model or maybe you want to save up for a retirement fund so that you can live peacefully when you’re old.
However, not all of these reasons are that sound. For example, if you’re in your 20s and you’re already saving for a retirement fund, then you’re planning way too far ahead for your own good. You should be enjoying your life and spending money while you still can instead of being miserable and not being able to go out with your friends because you want to save money to use 40 years into the future.
Whether you’re spending money on a new television for you and your family to enjoy or a fancy brand of sauce for your dinner tonight, it feels great to spend a little extra instead of constantly relying on the cheapest value brands. It also feels great to go out one night and not worry about buying expensive food and letting yourself go, ordering all the side and extras you want and coming home realising you just ate a meal that could feed two people. Sure you might feel a little guilty, but doesn’t it feel amazing to spend money?
Gambling is another way of spending money that people just don’t understand. There’s nothing quite like watching a roulette spin and praying that it lands on your number or the feeling you get when you flip your pair of cards at a blackjack table—and you don’t even need to go to a casino to experience these great feelings! Of course, you have to remember what the laws say about gambling online in Australia and you need to keep yourself from spending too much money, but isn’t that what balancing your money is all about? You need to dedicate some money to having fun as well—it doesn’t all need to go into a savings account.
Saving Money Feels Bad
If you’re the type of person that sighs when they head to the supermarket to stock up on basic supplies despite having a rather large bank balance, then not only are you forcing yourself to have a less fulfilling life, it might also be a sign of a mental illness. Being incredibly frugal not only reduces your quality of life, but it’s also meaningless if you don’t have a reason to save up money.
Instead of saving money for no reason, but your money towards something and make up a plan. You don’t want to start saving money because you can and then realise in five years time that you haven’t actually executed that plan or done anything to make it a reality.