The biggest obstacle to saving money is actually getting started. The rest is a cakewalk. Most people get overwhelmed at the prospect of saving money. How do they start? How much is enough to save? What saving account to choose.
These are some of the questions that make people hesitate when they think of saving money. They start thinking if they save will they be able to meet their current financial needs? The simple answer is yes. Even saving at just $50 every month is an investment.
You can simplify the money-saving tasks so that it does not feel overwhelming.
Start Small
Start saving money with a small amount. Think of any amount you are comfortable with. It can be just 1% of your salary for now. For most people, this will be a very comfortable situation. When you have built a habit of saving, you will gain more confidence and gradually you can increase the saving amount.
Know where you are spending your money
Keep track of your expenditure so that you can weed out the unnecessary expenses. Record the expenses in an excel sheet. Include everything like from small to big expenses – coffee, debts, daily snacks, magazines and everything worth mentioning. This will help you get a picture of what your expenses look like. You can always cut down on that coffee and start saving that money. Small cutbacks will motivate you to save more.
Differentiate between needs and wants
It is important to be aware of what you actually need and want. Your monthly budget should be divided into needs and wants. Paying rent is a need, buying extra clothes is a want. Pay attention to things you actually need and refrain from spending money on unnecessary things you want to buy on impulse. This will make a huge difference to your money saving capabilities.
Give yourself a purpose to save
Whether it’s the house that you want to buy or want to save for your retirement, choose a cause and you will feel more motivated towards saving money. Star saving money with a strong purpose in your head – emergency fund, retirement savings, buying a car, paying the loans and etc. Having a purpose also gives you an idea as to how much you need to pay each month to reach your goals. Setting goals keep you on tracks.
Make it automatic
One of the simplest ways to make saving easy and effortless is to automate deduction from your account. This takes away the burden off you to deposit the money on your own. Automating also keeps you on track. You don’t have to remember it to do, so you don’t have to worry about it. This also reduces the chances of you getting sidetracked by a temptation to use that money on other kinds of stuff.
Check Progress
After you have started saving money you need to check every once in a while to see how much you have saved. This is very important since it boosts your confidence seeing how far you have come. Once you see how much you have saved, you will be encouraged to save more for the future.
What’s next?
Now that you have started saving money and have got pretty good at it, you need to take the next step. You can start planning your saving based on your needs.
Daily Savings
This is essential for taking care of your daily needs. Every day you need something for your home, office or lifestyle. Keep track of things you are buying and at the end of the day empty your pockets and wallets and see how much you saved today. You can put change into a jar or somewhere and when you have reached a decent amount you can save the money in your account or use it to buy things next month. Every penny counts when it comes to daily savings.
Monthly Saving goals
Monthly expenses may include your rent, payments toward loans and bills like electricity and internet. See if you can reduce the expenses in these areas. For instance, you can cut down on the internet bill by signing up for a more budget-friendly package. Likewise, you can also try to reduce the payment towards your loan payment like the student or car loan.
Long Term Saving Goals
Long-term savings include your retirement fund or emergency fund. You can start saving money for your long-term goals. This should be on your list when you have crossed the age of 30 or are at a very comfortable position in your career. Remember, the earlier you start the better. But don’t feel the pressure to save. Always focus on your present financial situation and adjust your saving accordingly.
There is no right time to start saving money. Start whenever you can. Start saving as much you can. Start small and move gradually towards the larger saving goals so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. The point is started no matter where you are financial.
Start saving now.