Frugal or practical, whatever you say, saving of money boils down to restricting your wants and focusing on your needs. By taking control of your impulse purchase, avoiding those expensive ‘splurges’ and changing your spending habit, you can keep expenses in check.
Here are some practical ways to be economic with your money spending so that you are left with enough bucks at the end of the month.
Dine out less
Dining out too often and ordering takeout add to your bill. It will become a pretty sum over time. Occasional eating at restaurants is okay but when it comes to everyday meal, whip up dishes at home. Not only will they be tasty but healthy too. And just imagine, daily cooking will sharpen your culinary skill and creativity! Instead of ordering pizza at local dining hub, why not spend on buying grocery items and make that in your kitchen?
Avoid the coffee shop
Do you buy coffee from the coffee house? If yes, stop it from now on. Coffee making is the easiest of easy tasks, you can do it. You can even use your parents’ old coffee machine for ready-made brew! That may not be as tasty as you sip at the coffee shop but the pretty penny that can be saved this way, will make up for that!
Cut down expenses on bottled water
It tastes the same; at least I do think so. You can get water free from the tap but you buy it from the shops. Some have a belief that the bottled water is purified. Even if that’s true, there is no justification of spending on it. Boil water or use water purifier, it will be less expensive way of getting pure water.
Consider carpool
If you are going to office or local malls or some other places, ask your friends or neighbors if they will go the same route. If yes, carpool will be a good idea to save money on your transportation cost. Even the car owners should consider car pooling; they can save on fuel and parking charge as well. And you will enjoy other riders’ company!
Shop online
Online shopping is a good idea to save money on your transport. It is a comfortable way of taking your picks from the virtual stores without having to worry about weaving in and out of crowd and struggling for an elbow room in the choke-a-bloke shopping houses. Some retailers encourage people to do online shopping by dangling attractive offers of discounts and free shipping. Some websites also offer coupons for the prospective buyers, availing of which will ensure deeper saving on shopping.
Make a good use of coupons
They are good friends of those on a mission of money saving. Apart from online stores, you will get them at the local grocery stores. They also come with newspapers and magazines. There are plenty of regular coupons offering from the local grocery shops; car dealers, restaurants, book stores, and the list will be endless. You can get printable coupons from some websites like