One of the major problems that most college students have to encounter is the rising price of university books. And it is also needless to mention the importance of books in a student’s life. If the prices are summed up, this is probably the most expensive aspect of college education. Hence, every student should know the basics of how to save money on college text books. Just because books are important and required, doesn’t mean that, you ought to spend huge bucks on it blindly. There is a need to find other alternative ways for this.
- One of the simplest ways is borrowing books on rent. Students can easily rent books from their seniors or counterparts when they do not need them, and return to them after their exams.
- Buying college books from online sources like Amazon, flipcart or eBay are extremely advantageous and are also a good process to save money. These online bookstores give the best deal on new and old books. It is seen that buying a book from the internet and selling it after the completion of course, greatly reduces the college expenditure. Buying used textbooks isn’t as icky as it sounds. Often the used textbooks will have notes in the margins and highlighted passages that can help you understand the material and study for exams.
- Another most common means of saving cost is using of online library resources. These online library resources provide us with the links of the information we want from a respective book and it also helps in providing outline of the publications and the author.
- Here’s another additional way to save cost- use text book coupons! Many booksellers offer coupons at the starting of an academic session. These coupons provide amazing discounts on quoted price on the textbooks. One more way of saving cost is to share books among two or three people, for example sharing amongst roommates and friends. They can buy different books and share them according to their convenience.
- Another economical approach is buying only the required ones. If a reference book is needed, library facilities from the college can be availed. Often many text books come with an array of ancillary materials like workbooks, CDs, and videos. Many universities don’t use any of this supplementary material for their courses, so, if these supplementary materials are not useful, it is always beneficial to buy books without them.
- Another great way to save money is by networking. Posting one’s requirements on facebook and twitter can also be beneficial. Networking with a friend to look out for someone who has already taken the subject or course and still has the textbook, is also economical. None of the present generation student would ever deny this!